The mountain formation.

The Montserrat's relieve's genesis is joined to the Catalan Central Depression, which is an extreme.
65 years ago starts the formationgeology process.At the beginning of the third period, it formed an interior sea which was extended between the old continent catalano-balear and the beginning of the Pyrenees formation.

The rivers which flew into the oriental side of the interior sea came from the catalano-balear continent and they had an inverse direction to the actuals rivers, and like the rivers from the Pyrenees, they were covering the interior sea's sides with importants differents light materials.
Montserrat was fomed because a fluvial delta recovered of different material consolidated when it was dryed on the sea.
L'orogènia del relleu montserratí no comença a fer-se visible, per efectes de l'erosió diferencial, fins el Miocè, a finals del Terciari, quan el rocam de sediments més febles que envoltava la potent massa soterrada de conglomerats compactats per un ciment calcari molt dur, no fou arrassat per l'erosió, fa de 10 a 4 milions d'anys.
L'encreuament de les diàclasis i el moviment de la base de la muntanya han provocat les formes de columnes, tan característiques, a base de l'esquarterament radial dels massissos rocosos, fenomen molt visible en la fotografia aèria